Monday, February 11, 2019

Well, I'm Not Seeing Any Wolverines

     I drink a glass of cranberry juice with my breakfast nearly every morning.  The reason why I started doing so is probably nonsense; to get the effect claimed, it would take a lot more than just one glass.  Still, it's tasty and has plenty of vitamins and besides, it keeps the wolverines away.

     What, you don't believe me?  When was the last time you heard of any wild wolverines around here outside of a zoo? 


  1. Around our office, the lack of coffee will cause spontaneous werewolf behavior to happen. Really - you should hear the howl when we find out the last one was completely used up. So I believe you about cranberry juice repelling wolverines. Nasty little buggers them.

  2. That is why I have an elephant gun.

    Dennis the librarian shusher

  3. When I first read that, I thought, "Wait, are they now saying cranberry juice is a hallucinogen" but I guess that's not what you meant...

  4. I'm the same way with garlic supplements. Vampires you know...

  5. And a couple of shotgun shells loaded with bits of silver, 'cause werewolves don't you know.

  6. The "gin and tonic" was devised to make the drinking of the bitter quinine – prescribed as an antimalarial – more palatable.

    The "tonic water" available in the US has only a tiny bit of quinine for flavor.

    I still say that "I'll have a G&T, as I don't want to get malaria". Occasionally someone will respond "that's ridiculous, do you know how many G&T's you would need to drink to provide any prophylactic effect?"

    And I reply "Yes - I should be quite well lubricated by then".

  7. Have you ever been in Ann Arbor during Homecoming Weekend?

    Or, for that matter, Hash Bash?

  8. Well outside the effect radius of my pre-breakfast non-alcoholic tipple, Drang.


    I don't think he lives near you though...

  10. Cranberry juice vs UTIs seems to be a real thing..
    On a down note, the commercial arm of Mars One seems to be down the drain


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