Thursday, June 17, 2021

They've Got Me Outnumbered

      The dishpan thing works okay -- but it's a lot of work.  Having a cat who is intensely interested in the process of carrying a dishpan full of partially rinsed dishes to the water source and bringing them back fully rinsed makes it even more work.  Holden Wu is definitely a member of the Underfoot Wu family.  I've cut way back on the amount of cooking I do.

      I'm hoping to buy plumbing parts Friday and do the work Sunday.  Between then and now, I'll do a better investigation of the source of the leak and modify my plans accordingly.

      Tam was unable to get to the lawn and I can't run a mower or weedwhacker yet.  (All that vibration is too much.)  I admitted this to our neighbor by way of apology, and she promptly offered to have her lawn guys take care of the front yard!  That's when you know you have a good neighbor.  They showed up and had it done in a half-hour this morning.

      There's still so much to do and I'm not done adjusting to the changes in my vision.  Sometimes it seems like I spend all my time scurrying with a tidal wave arching over me, barely managing to stay ahead.  Tonight's job is trash-gathering and litterbox-changing, so we'll be ordering out for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. In the immortal words of Dory, "Just keep swimming!" This too.shall.pass Ma. Ecks.


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