Saturday, April 16, 2022

"G'wan -- Try'n Knock It Off"

      The thing about bullies is, they keep on pushing until someone stops them.  Russia recently warned the U.S. and other NATO countries who have sent weapons to Ukraine that such shipments could result in "unpredictable consequences."*

      I guess the West is just supposed to stand by and let Russia beat up their smaller neighbor.

      This kind of doubling down on a bad situation (Ukraine is standing up pretty well so far) is not atypical of autocracies when their aggression is called out -- the early stages of WW II were full of examples.  Sometimes it even works for a while.  Long-term, it's not a winning strategy.

*  *  *

      Some Americans are still cheering on the "manly" Russian government, most notably Tucker C------n of Fox News,  His latest long-form effort celebrates manly manliness in a manner not seen since the films of Leni Riefenstahl, or perhaps Steve Reeves.  Not that there's anything specifically illegal with that...outside Florida public schools, at least.  But he doth protest rather a lot.  I guess every authoritarian movement builds its own Röhm, or tries to.  Or is that Rome?  Naw, sticking with the first spelling.
* From what I have seen of Russian military QC under battle conditions in Ukraine, I'll certainly grant them the "unpredictable" part.


  1. Seeing the idiots who support Russian aggression, they all seen to worship one other specific idiot. It sickens me.

  2. It's really interesting seen Russia return to their military roots- like in the Russo-Japanese war or WWI.
    The part about the autocrats skimming the money that was supposed to go to the troops so they could party in Europe is extra retro.
    All we need now is for Putin to have some creepy perv as a spiritual advisor.


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