Tuesday, September 13, 2022

I'm Just Watching The Wheels Go 'Round

      Donald Trump returns to Washington, D. C., hangs out on rainy golf course with known associates.  Speculation is running rampant, but personally, I have never believed most of those guys had sense enough to come in out of the rain, so....  Well, there you go.


  1. Or maybe a Stalin's speech moment. Who's going to get out of the rain before The Big Guy decides to get out of the rain?

  2. I have heard golfers say it never rains on a golf course. I have a photo of an acquaintance getting ready to putt where the ball has accumulated so much snow it may not fit in the hole. Golfers who enjoy the game often seem to be willing to ignore the weather. It's possible these guys are cut from the same cloth. (I'm the non-golfer in a golfing family - heard lots of stories.)

  3. Anon at 2:00 p.m., that comparison may be slightly invidious.

    Anon 7:45 p.m., you may notice that no one has any golf clubs in any of these shots, and there aren't any on the carts, either.

    Glenn Kelley, alas, real life is rarely as exciting as the movies.

    We'll find out when we find out -- if we ever find out at all.


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