Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Gashouse Eggs

      Sometimes called "square eggs," it's an egg fried in a hole punched in the center of a slice of bread.  I make mine with rye bread, so they're nowhere near square.

      All it takes is a large juice glass to make the hole and butter to fry it in; it's better to get the butter melted, prepare the bread, then lay it in and turn it over to coat both side.  I let the break cook a little before starting the egg.  I also break the yolks, tear up the removed disc of bread and mix it back in with the egg.  Today, I put some smoked paprika and mild curry powder one side and some freshly-ground black pepper on the other.  There are lots of variations; it's a versatile template.

      It's a quick, warm, tasty breakfast.  I made two and shared with Tam.


  1. Also called "toad on the hole".

    Name borrowed from the Brits, but they have their own culinary version.

  2. My clients requested "dip eggs" for breakfast. I, their master chef (ha!), replied "Huh?". A little plastic juice tumbler was the perfect size for the bread-hole-cutter. Personally, it seems like too much effort for the results. But, the client gets (approximately) what the client wants.


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