Monday, May 22, 2023

Test At Day Five

      I get dizzy if I move around too much or too quickly.  I'm pretty puny; the basement stairs are an effort that leaves me winded.  Despite that, my symptoms are much less worse than they were earlier.  I'm taking my Paxlovid, sleeping more and eating a couple meals a day--

      So I'm on the mend, right?  I ran another test this morning, expecting to see I was clearing the virus.

      Nope.  Two lines.  I've run the blamed things a half-dozen times since they became available, making sure colds were just a cold before returning to work, and they always were.  Until now.

      Still sick.  A positive test is not necessarily a hard NO on going back to work under current company rules,* but add in how I feel and I'm not going anywhere today.  Tomorrow?  I don't know.  I hope to feel better tomorrow.
* Most of my work time even now is spent miles away from others; if I needed to be around them, guidance calls for masking up, keeping one's distance and minimizing together time during recovery.  YMMV.


  1. Glad to hear you seem to be feeling some better. Here's hoping for a speedy and complete recovery.

  2. Work will still be there when you are better. Working while sick is torture. I know, I've done it. Wait until you are up to it.


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