Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Can't Even? Not Even!

     It's exhausting, but the unceasing churn of the news cycle bears watching, mostly to see who they're after now.  It's basically a Junior High School slumber party, with AP presently on the outs and the mean girl who's playing hostess talking smack about 'em, but there are whole cliques of insiders, outsiders, wannabees and news orgs trying to get their hair and outfit to match the prevailing style, and it's all--

     Bullshit.  It's all bullshit.  I want the President -- any President -- and Congress -- all of 'em -- to be covered by the widest possible variety of news outfits, from toadies to skeptics, from liberals to conservatives, from budget hawks and war hawks to pacifists and save-everybody socialists.  I want 'em singing praises and digging through trash to find evidence of malfeasance, I want 'em doing deep-dive backgrounders, chirpy puff pieces and viewing with alarm.  I want all of it -- because I am paying for that damn, I am subject to its benefits and laws, and when they get hinky, I am sure to be screwed over.

     I don't think the White House ought to be picking and choosing exactly who gets to sit in on their news conferences and events, and who gets left out.  Limited number of seats available, okay, got it -- but the Press has done an okay job of sorting that out among themselves, and the pols and their flacks could then seek out special pals and sneer at best enemies among those ranks, just as they have always done.

     No matter who is in power or what party they belong to, they should be under a microscope, warts and all.  Especially the warts.  --And we need all of the Press there, not just to watch the gummint but to be watching one another.

     Evil fears the light.  So does incompetence.


  1. One factor of Trump is that he's a student of the various Toxic Positivity sleezebag televangelists. Thus, any criticism is a Negative Confession and must be vigorously denied lest it come true. That critics are literally in league with the Devil, trying to get God's People to make those Negative Confessions and wreck themselves.
    It's also a worldview that allows and excuses a LOTof shady crap.
    So, he's got a happy reason to shut down critics and negative stories, and can tell himself that it's for the Greater Good, really. After all, most villains think themselves as the hero of their story.

  2. Is it any different when the White Hiuse only lets certain friendly outlets ask questions? The press pool has always been limited as to who gets access on AF1 etc.

    Were you aghast when HotAir was denied White Hiuse access?


    1. "They did it toooooo!!!" is never a good reason to do things. It didn't work on mom, and it shouldn't work for anyone with any sense. Shame on those who accept it.

  3. Mistyping Anon: I can see you haven't been paying close attention to the news or to my opinions, and have little idea how things have been done by the White House Correspondents Association in the past. Here's a start.


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