Sunday, May 04, 2008

'Ware Terrapin! 'Ware Terrapin!

For Breda. This is actually Photo One of the "driving to the Indy Gunblogger Meet-Up" sequence. Vast (clickety) so her turtle can get a better idea of what famous artist's-model turtles look like.

There is absolutely no evidence that this thing artwork periodically writhes into life and clonks bicyclists and pedestrians over the head. None whatsover. Really. Nor has it ever set down the turtle and lifted a small child aloft. As far as I can tell.

Update: a reader shared this link in comments. Could it be that The Hands are saving Broadripple's Turtle from a similarly dire fate? Ew.


  1. OK. That's not at all what I was picturing. Looks more like a bug to me, but then I tell little children the truth about their drawings, too, which might explain why my shins are all bruised all the time.


  2. That's nothing compared to the turtle station in Worcester, MA.

  3. Broad Ripple Mystery #23: For some unknown reason the rainbow-colored bridge is not rainbow-shaped, and the rainbow-shaped bridge is not rainbow-colored.

  4. Oh, Tam, it's perfectly obvious.

  5. Mark, it looks a little more like a turtle from the back. --But yeah, it's more of an approximation. I'm not sure the artist ever really saw a turtle.

  6. I like it, kinda - in the way that I like all large outdoor sculpture - but honestly, hold a turtle like that and you'll have a very cranky turtle.

    And what is it artists have against turtles?

  7. Hey, is that Terrapin Station?

  8. Oh, looky, Mabel! One a' them there Did Haids! Ainnee kewt?


  9. EEuuuck!

    Is that Worchester turtle SMILING?

  10. If you hold a turtle straight up like that, you might have a very cranky YOU. Depending on how long he's been out of the water.


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