Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Another Day

This day dawns emptier than yesterday -- there should be a happy, chubby cat greeting me in the dining room and instead, her favorite chair waits, empty, for a cat-child who'll never be back. It ain't right.


  1. ... swishing her fluffy tail. No, it ain't right.

  2. Roberta.... Give Tam a hug from me, and tell her......

    Ah hell. Just give her a hug.

  3. I hope Barkley, in all his "pet me pet me pet me" annoyance offers her a wee bit of comfort today.

    And you as well, for the residents of our house become family in every way.

  4. Last I looked something like 140 people had stopped by to write their personal condolences to Tam. Mittens might not have known them personally, but that cat's managed to affect a whole bunch of people.

    I'm sorry that she's gone, ma'am. I can only hope that the happy memories that she's left behind are some consolation. I'm not sure she's take a hug from an ugly squat troll like me, but give Tam an extra one from everybody who has tried to ease your loss.

    Take care.

  5. I saved a copy of the photo to my computer and am using it as my Desktop. I just have to go in and Photoshop out her eye schmutz.


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