Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well, That's That

The election is over; the Electoral College has worked the way it was supposed to and turned a fairly close popular vote into a clear result, one citizens could look at and say, "Gee, We Lost" or "Hooray, We Won."  Your state may have gone red or blue but once again when you look at a county-by county -- or better still a precinct-by-precinct -- map of the United States, it is clear that just like in 2004, we live in a purple country.  Lots of red, lots of blue.  Been that way a long time and it's not changing.

     As for me, I welcome our President-elect with the exact same respect and good feeling the Democrats gave George W. Bush.  Except I'm not prying the "O" key off any keyboards.

     For those of you who have bemoaned the so-called "Patriot Act" and incursions on the Constitutionally-protected rights of citizens under the Bush administration, let me remind you that in two years of a Democrat majority in Congress, not a single one of those tools had been taken off the table.  Now the Democrats have the Executive Branch as well and it will be interesting to see what they do with them -- and what you have to say about it when they do.  I have not been impressed by that aspect of President G. W. Bush's tenure, either -- but I don't think the Opposition will be any better.  They may select a slightly different group of targets, is all.  Possibly including me.  Promise me you'll still be outraged?  At least a little?  Hmpf.

     ...In closing, let me point out that "Chimpy McHilterburton" totally failed to declare martial law, name himself El Supremo for life and shut down the polls yesterday.  Those of you with the bills of your tinfoil hats tilted Left, it just might be possible you have them set too tight and have cut off blood to your brain.  You've got a few months left to simmer in your own paranoia, though, and I wish you much joy of it.  Aw, heck with it, let's splurge -- I'm callin' up the lads at NSA* and begging them to turn the mind-control rays they beam at you all the way up to eleven!
* Hey, wow, they've even got a kid's page!  Be sure to bring your crayons.  You can learn Morse Code there, too.  Whatta country -- our spookiest spooks have a museum with gift shoppe and kewl kids pages on their website!


  1. The museum is rather nice! Even more cool stuff inside the Puzzle Palace, but you need a special badge to see it. I never saw the mind-control stuff, though. I think that's out at an annex somewhere.

  2. Silly girl, the NSA has nothing to do with the mind control rays. The NRO controls those.

  3. The NSA museum is very cool, and worth the detour.

  4. Ahh, it's nice to be among like minds!

    (Thanks for the award and link, Cowboy!)

  5. Something a lot of people seem to forget is that Biden is the one that wrote the original draft for the Patriot Act, and he complained that the Bush administration watered down his version.

  6. "Silly girl, the NSA has nothing to do with the mind control rays. The NRO controls those."

    The National Reconnaissance Office is in charge of NPR? Huh. Who knew?

  7. No, no, the National Review Online has the mind-control ray contract. They just can't remember how to work them.

  8. Actually that was one of my major arguments when talking over Patriot Act-type stuff with my "GOP Forever No Matter What" buddy: that he may not be worried too much about the Power of the Presidency now, with W at the helm, but I had to constantly remind him that when we pass laws that give a branch or an office or an agency some specific power, we do so for not only the current occupants of said branch/office/agency, but also the next set of occupants. He never did have a very good answer when I asked him how comfortable he'd be if Kerry had won in 2004 or if Hillary won in 2008. I'm giving him some mourning time before I start grilling him about how comfortable he is about all those Executive Office powers that he approved of Bush having, now that Obamessiah is about to inherit every last one. Maybe about a week.

    Great reminder about Biden being the original author, bobg.

  9. I promise.
    Oh yes.



  10. This is why I come here every day.

  11. My favorite NSA story:

    I was attending a three day class on biometrics and I arrived about 15 minutes early and found I was the only one there. A nice looking young woman arrived shortly after I did and appeared to be as confused as I was. Was this the correct place?

    We check and rechecked all our info and concluded this had to be the place. About five minutes before the class was to start the instructor and other students started showing up. The other woman and I sat next to each other and hung out some during breaks. She was from the NSA, cool. She didn't talk much about work, just the city name in Maryland and her education outside of the NSA.

    Fast forward a few months to a biometrics conference in D.C.

    I saw my acquaintance sitting a few chairs away from me but no recognition on her face. I look at her badge and it doesn't say NSA and it has a completely different name from what I remember. I have my laptop with notes from the previous class so I double checked the name. Yup. Different name and definitely the same face, hair, and body.

    I played my role, and after that first glance and smile that went unacknowledged, pretended I didn't recognize her either.

  12. You all know that there's No Such Agency, right?

  13. og said... You all know that there's No Such Agency, right?
    I have no knowledge whatsoever of anything this post or it's comments section is about...

  14. I dunno where the actual mind control rays were located, but we monitored the system from the basement in the old building.

    Didn't want backscatter getting to us. Cowboy Blob must have caught a little going in and out of the building if he doesn't remember that...


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