Monday, December 29, 2008

December BlogMeet: Kewl!

Alas, I am short on time; suffice it to say the December BlogMeet was a grand time, with sixteen bloggers and readers from all over gathered for food, libations* and conversation. I counted 16 attendees -- and failed to fully note everyone's names. Hard cider is not, as it turns out, a memory-enhancing tipple. From memory (and in no partular order): Mr. and Mrs. Red, Brigid, Shermlock Shomes & son, Turk Turon, Carteach0, Og, Brigid.... Tam and Caleb were missed; she's been visiting back across the Mason-Dixon line, and Caleb, it turns out, was busy taking the bronze in a combat pistol match that took longer than planned.

Oh, would you look at the time! Starships wait for no one. Links will have to be embedded later.


  1. Someone knows good rootbeer.
    Sprechers is much better when it is on tap though.

  2. I shot a couple of hostages, just for you guys.

  3. Hey, is Og the white-bearded fella?

  4. This picture intentionally not Og, as Roberta has been known to say. I prefer not to have my image on the internet, for a variety of reasons, and Roberta understands this; that kind of concentrated ugly could shut down our whole corner of the intarweb, let alone ripping the fabric of space-time.

  5. Og's precise appearance is A Mystery; something about (and this is from memory) thirty-seven live badgers and a U. S. Marshal and a promise to never frighten another steelworker again -- but I probably have that wrong. (Or maybe I'm making it up and he just happened to be looking away when the shot was snapped; but nobody'd believe that!)

    The bearded gentleman in the picture is Shermlock; the other bearded gent, behind the camera, is Carteach0. Og showed up late. Again. He said something about eating raw venison along the side of the road with a State Trooper after another driver roadkilled a deer....

  6. Roadkill deer was involved. No badgers- or goats- were harmed in the making of this film.

  7. "..that kind of concentrated ugly could shut down our whole corner of the intarweb, let alone ripping the fabric of space-time."

    Thanks for the warning, Og. I wouldn't want to let the magic smoke out of my computer.

    "He said something about eating raw venison along the side of the road ...roadkilled a deer..."

    I heard that too. :)

    Heh, thats how legends are born.

  8. I'm not proud. I've eaten roadkill deer. Mostly fresh.

  9. Envy duly noted. It was a grand time.

    And having met Og, I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of those stories were true. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised the other way, either ...

  10. Would you rather have the rough, unvarnished truth, or entertainment?


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