Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another Litter Of Capitalists?

Reason does this'n justice. Me, I'm just aghast. Turns out the whole problem (???) with capitalism is that it won't do as it's told.

Also, apparently Congress keeps trying to put capitalim in a bag. I grew up in the country -- that's what people (usually city types) did with unwanted puppies and kittens before they slung 'em off the nearby bridge. Well, it's good to know where horrid, awful moneygrubbers like the eeeebil capitalists I work for rate. But it doesn't increase my confidence any.

Congress. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required -- but I dream. Two years 'til the next chance to have at 'em, no? Vote the bastards out, hard. All of 'em who are facin' a vote. They did this and they need to go.


  1. Eff You See! Kay Ee Dee! Ay Gee Ay Eye En!

    WV: "sneurg" That's about the noise I made when I read that post. SNEURG!

  2. I was planning to built a trebuchet in the back yard this spring, but I guess I should revise my drawings and build a trailerable guillotine instead.


  3. What makes me give the migraine salute is the notion that the Republicans are any more enclued than the Dems. Apparently, it's Commies or Lunatics and no choice of sanity.

    I need a drink. Oh, look. A drink. I think I'll drink this drink.

    WV: dante

    No shit.

  4. "Eff You See! Kay Ee Dee! Ay Gee Ay Eye En!"

    Perlhaqr wins the internets!

    "What makes me give the migraine salute is the notion that the Republicans are any more enclued than the Dems."

    Oh, come on! Don't be such a naif! We've known the secret for keeping Republicans acting like Republicans since 1995! Don't let them get a majority in Congress!

    'Cause if they do, they start acting like Democrats with a warmongering streak. (As opposed to Democrats, who gain control of Congress and then proceed to act like Republicans with a Trotskyite economic plan...)

  5. Meh, Perlhaqr ftw ;p

    The difference between the two party's is in name only and the fact that the R's don't roll with gun rights restrictions as much. They both promote spending beyond our means and support any program that will buy them votes in the next election.


    PS Happy Valentine's Day :)

  6. Rabbit,

    Keep your plans for the trebuchet for siege work, but think of the movie "Jabberwocky" for finishing the job.



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