Monday, April 13, 2009

Keep The Tapes

Remember the Lunar Orbiters? Yeah, me neither. NASA just about forgot them, too, but they spooled back scads of pix for Apollo prep, used and then forgotten; by the time the space agency was fixing to dump the tapes, there were few machines left that could even read them -- and then the tapes, waylaid on their way to the burn pile, languished in an enthusiast's garage NASA warehouse for decades....

But this is The Century Of The Geek! A mad band of highly-skilled fans has pieced together the remaining few tape drives (most of which did spend decades in an enthusiast's garage) and is spooling off glorious, hi-rez pix of the good ol' moon even as you read. Even the LA Times thinks it's kewl!


  1. "When that picture came up, I had tears in my eyes," Cowing said

    He's not the only one. Beautiful picture.

  2. Well done, all of them.



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