Tuesday, May 19, 2009


...I needs it. Alas, yet another busy morning (I'd love to tell you what broke but, well, it's one of those things we dassn't admit to 'til it is fixed) and a bit of an early one. Content later, I promise!

Turk Turon has a photo-essay on our weekend expeditions!

For now: Mains Plugs and Sockets of the World! Ooooo. Then there's that hobbyist fave (outside the U..S), the Belling-Lee coaxial connector. Or RF connectors generally. Enjoy!

Late add: A Brief History Of Professional Microphone Connectors. Focused on the XLR and ancestors; locking DIN types, etc. are not covered.


  1. Coax is a wonderful idea, so long as I don't have to work on anything smaller than BNC!


  2. When I saw the title, I was trying to decide if it was conTENT or CONtent?

    Guess it was CONtent. Heh!

  3. huh, I had always wondered why they had appliances screwed into light sockets in some old movies...

    It makes a lot more sense when you discover that electricity for lights was metered at a lower rate back then.

  4. That mains page is missing more NEMA plugs and sockets than it is listing.

  5. You and Turk are cruel, CRUEL, I tell you!!! You have shown me even more stuff I could start collecting!!! And at reasonable prices!! It doesn't even have to work, just look cool. (Hey, I have a Pepsi bottle flashlight, y'know)

  6. The pic I really want to see is the "mystery meter" that you got free for knowing what it was.

    wv: andablog


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