Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sick Ill

...Started with one title, considered the minds of the lads on the #gunbloggerconspiracy IRC channel and changed it...

Conan the Objectivist has been hacking, coughing and sneezing around the shop since Monday and it appears his virus's mission was successful: I've got it, too. Raw throat, bit of a temperature, sinus unhappiness, oh yay.

On top of the knee issues, it does not make for a fun time and I have caught myself on the verge of making bone-headed mistakes three times now. I do believe I had better call in sick -- not to avoid sharing, it's too late for that (thanks, buddy. No, not really) -- but because it is pretty easy to spend more than a day's pay by cutting one wrong wire. That wouldn't be good.

Piggie flu or just a cold? Dunno. Hoping for the latter!


  1. Hope you feel better, the world just seems to slow down a little when you're under the weather.

  2. Have some tea with honey and lemon and some chicken soup and get into bed!

    Get some reading done.

    And feel better soon!

    wv: tingl

  3. Thank heavens that someone has laid in enough canned soup to survive the Apocalypse...

  4. I do hope you're feeling soon, and when you get back to work you can poke Conan in the arse with a test lead for coming to work sick.

  5. I have no officially called in. Going to put the kettle on next.

  6. Follow Turk's advice.

  7. Sympathy. Lots of hot fluids. I've had good results at symptom relief from Thera-Flu. As Dolly puts it, more usually does the trick.


  8. That's TWO votes!

    Take a sick day. Lots of rest. Fluids.

    It'll make you feel better.

  9. FOUR votes!

    And put on a flu mask so Tam and the cats don't get it.

    And a shot of bourbon in the tea wouldn't hurt.

  10. Bourbon. Definitely.


    (wv: naphions. The particles that make you sleepy and want to take a nap.)

  11. Get well soon, m'dear.

    WV: yeramill. New drug, if you take it, you feel like million. Just for what ails yer!

  12. Chicken soup - LOTS of garlic

    wv:slogis - Bobbi is feeling a bit slogis today


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