Saturday, July 04, 2009

Independance Day!

I'm not especially sanguine about where our Great Experiment is going but withal, if you look at where it came from and where it's been, the United States of America is a special place.

Just about time to break out the ol' Gadsden Flag, spend a while reflecting -- and another while playing with fire and whooping it up!


  1. The Gadsden flag is flying out front of the house. We're going to see "Public Enemy" early this afternoon. And then do our own noise-making at the range later.
    Happy Fourth!

  2. Mal: "What's 'sanguine' mean?"

    Zoe: " 'Sanguine'. Hopeful. Plus -- point of interest -- it also means 'bloody'."

    Mal: "Well, that pretty much covers all the options, don't it?"

    Happy gorram Independence Day.

  3. Not a Gadsden, but a First Navy Jack flying here.

    Happy Independence Day.


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