Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July BlogMeet

It's coming up next weekend! You Are Invited!

BlogMeets are open to each and every blogger, blog reader and guilty-looking bystander; there is no fee (other than you'll have to either pay your own tab or charm someone into paying it for you) and we don't even have a secret handshake. Sometimes there are even Fabulous! Prizes! (for a given value of "fabulous").

We'll hold the next Blogmeet at the Rockbottom Brewery off W. 86th. St., 19 July at 3:00 p.m. Be there!

...Eagle Creek permitting (they've been closed the last two Sundays), we'll have a BlogShoot that morning, too. Blogshoots are also open but all safety rules must be followed and you'll have to cover your own range fees. There is no set time, just from when they open (10:00 a.m.) through 2:00 p.m. or so.


  1. Can't make it...

    Have fun, ya'll!

  2. And apparently, there will be zombies ... I'm so there.

  3. Yes! BlogMeets are open to anyone -- blogger, blog reader, passers-by, whatever.

    You do have to come prepared to enjoy a meal and yakk a little with others -- or not yakk, sometimes I just hide behind a typewriter. ;)

  4. Well, RX, I'd love to attend one of these little soirees but you hold them just out of range for a weekend drive.

    I always wonder if you're as geeky IRL as your Internet persona. :)

  5. Possibly more so -- ask those who know me.

    The morning of the most recent blogmeet, I was carrying around a sheet of leather, carving out a new handle for the Underwood typewriter case in spare moments. Is that geeky enough for you? ;)

  6. Geek out all you like, but I bet I could give you a run for your money. :)

  7. What's the general schedule? Third Sunday of the month?

  8. Pretty much -- it varies sometimes, usually for no real reason. ;)

  9. Lorimor: geekitude is an exhibition, not a competition. ;)


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