Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September BlogMeet The Second

Yep, this coming Sunday, right at the intersection of Westfield, Westfield, Westfield and Winthrop. Map. Food's amazin' good and the beer's first-rate, too. Website. Tam. Be there!


  1. Fudge, I just realized that the holidays (most likely) interfere with my coming to this one, too. Fudge fudge fudge.

  2. Joanna:

    The fudge won't taste the same without you!

  3. Aw, rats. Not even for a little while, Joanna?

  4. It'll depend; Yom Kippur starts at sundown and I've got a dinner to go to, but if it starts when the last one did I might be able to make it. Watch this space for updates!

  5. 'Sides, I'd hate to leave Shermlock without a punch-enhanced meal for a whole 'nother month.

  6. If the batphone dosen't ring I'll be there.


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