Saturday, January 02, 2010

At The Bottom Of Our Wells

Others have linked to it but I'm gonna anyway: XKCD graphically and simply explains gravity wells.

Hoping this is available as a poster!

(I go now to the shower and eventually to the superdupermart, having promised to make Breakfast Hash this morning. Um, for a given value of "morning.")


  1. Poster: Click on image, right click/save on resulting full size image. Save to storage device, take to Kinkos and ask for their largest color printer which is hooked to a computer. (I'm assuming you don't have the use of a color plotter at work.)
    Then, brace for XKCD's lawyers...
    Too bad the sun was represented off to the side ;like that, but it would have thrown the scale waaaaaaay off.

    WV: mitted. Not here, it's much warmer than there, but I saw Tam's :I am not a terrorist" photo...

  2. I linked to it as well. It is very cool.


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