Monday, January 11, 2010

Celebrity Deaths And Undead

I'm sorry to report the creator of Gumby has died. Art Clokey was 88.

Meanwhile, headlines about Illinois Ex-Governor Ron Blagojevitch have not died; his most recent utterance is -- I am not making this up! -- "I'm blacker than Barack Obama." O rilly? I'll take "Desperate cries for attention" for $500, Alex.


  1. He has a point. BO was allegedly born in Hawaii, raised by white grandparents, sent to Harvard. I know more about what it is like to be a black man in America than he does.

  2. I think it was Sharpton who described His Imperial Majesty as "A man who read a book about the civil rights movement and thinks he knows what it's like to be black in America."

  3. What is it about politicians with bad rugs, anyway?

  4. Nathan - Sad to say, I think that's his real hair. I think he's trying to poison the potential jury pool before he goes to trial.

  5. Perhaps he was referring to his soul (assuming a politician whom has risen to his former position/prominence still possesses such a thing).

  6. In "Your Moment of Zen" on the Daily Show last night, they showed Blago trying to walk his comment back.

  7. In other news of the idiotic, Blagojevich is going to be a contestant on "Celebrity Apprentice".

    Another reason to turn off the dang boob tube.


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