Friday, March 19, 2010

The Nation: Still Not Getting It

So used to top-down enterprises -- so happy with the notion that it is their default template -- goofy-Left oldstream media 'zine The Nation wavers between sigh of relief and sneer over Glen Beck and Sarah Palin declaring, "violence is not the answer." Right there on the Teevee, too, so you know it must be super-truthy.

So it is, but they're not the bosses of nobody.

If y'ask me, determining if violence is the answer kind of depends on the question. Certainly the currently-looming nationalsocializing of health care calls for "soapbox" and "ballot box" rather than "cartridge box," but I'd advise the hard Left to not confuse a rational (i.e., non-Weathermen) approach to politics with pacifism. The days of sendin' 'round a few Feds to shoot mothers and burn down homes "compounds" fulla kids are over. Just sayin'.

PS: be sure to read the comments for some funhouse-mirror madness from the Left!


  1. That was more like a tenement on the plains than a "compound."

    The Kennedys have a "compound," a cluster of buildings with a common purpose, enclosed by a wall.

    The tiny house at Ruby Ridge was more a plywood shanty than a fortified compound, and Vernon Howell's("David Koresh") abode rather little rooming house on the prairie had almost the same floor plan as a trackside hot roll house that was a favorite of the bindle stiffs in the Big D.


  2. Stranger: what is your point? That it's perfectly OK for the feds to attack and kill because it's only a "tenement on the plains"? Or that it's OK because it was just a single family (Koresh's) dwelling?

    That mean it'd be fine with you if your domicile was attacked by feds using automatic weapons and armored vehicles and then stood by while it burned to the ground with you and your family inside?

    Thought not.

  3. The Nation has been loonier than a Canadian Dollar for as long as I can remember. What's interesting is that their fastidiousness about keeping the public peace is a (ahem) recent phenomenon.

    Take a look at their stuff from the run up to the Iraq war, or the globalization protests in Seattle.

    Up the system! and Power to the People has a somewhat different flavor over there these days.

    Golly, I wonder what could be different?


    And they don't even try to hide their "Brezhnev Doctrine" from us.

    Sorry - must be grumpy today.

  4. John Peddie (Toronto)March 19, 2010 at 5:51 PM

    To clarify:Bit of Nothern trivia re: Borepatch's comment

    The Canadian dollar is totally sane. Just that, when the paper $1.00 bill was replaced by a ginormous coin aboout 20 years ago, said coin bore the likeness of the Common Loon.

    Hence, Canadians now refer to the Canadian dollar as the "loonie".

    A few years later, the same thing happened to the $2.00 bill, when it was replaced by a coin popularly known as a "toonie".

    All you ever wanted to know 'bout all that, eh?

  5. I miss the colo(u?)rful old $Cdn 1 and $Cdn 2 bills. Didn't one of 'em feature a row of power line poles? It's probably just me being geeky but when I saw that, I thought, "There's a people who still get what a huge improvement electrical power made in their lives."

  6. Crucis, the point is quite simple. The Feds and the media (is there a difference?) have made much of the "Ruby Ridge Compound" and the "Mount Carmel Compound," when in fact no such compounds ever existed.

    While a castle is a true "compound," the ATF attacked the Weaver's largely plywood cabin and a ramshackle construct that was more a rooming house than anything else. Both were completely exposed on all sides.

    Since the BATMen's description of if both locale and events is seriously suspect, their description of their motive is equally so.

    Remember, child abuse is NOT a Federal crime, nor one that would fall under the purview of the BATMen.


  7. Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, Holder.
    Ruby Ridge, Waco.
    You do the math.


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