Monday, July 05, 2010

Bread-- Well, Something --Cast Upon The Waters

A few days ago, Tam and I had a conversation about the late Howard Phillips Lovecraft and the Motor City. It got linked and from that link came another link, one that led to a seriously alien angle on recent history, an angle of such creeping, inhuman horror that even now, my mind recoils in inchoate, gibbering terror.

Read, ye mortals, and weep in fear!

That John J. Reilly, he's a Deep One --er, did I hear that correctly?


  1. Quite amusing.

    The only thing missing is that they failed to use the word "cyclopean" anywhere in the piece. A true Lovecraft pastiche would have both "eldritch" and "cyclopean" used at least once.

    Word Verification: phiness

    Finesse, as spelled at


    I can say no more, lest I blast your mortal brains.

  3. ...hideous reptilian abnormalities sprouting, bubbling and baking from a pumpkin in Whitaker Chambers' back porch...

  4. ...hideous reptilian abnormalities emerging, bubbling and baking, from a pumpkin in Whitaker Chambers' back yard.

  5. I suppose we should have expected it, particularly as the weather turned unusually hot and air-conditioning units began to fail....

  6. Oh!, had it been so, that Michel Foucault did indeed die in the way described at that link!


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