Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Wonder If

...Do protesting Classical Egyptian polytheists speak Toth Thoth to Power, or do they instead speak of the Power of Toth Thoth? (Or would they simply cheer, "Ra, Ra, Aten-Ra?" H'mm, no, might be taken for monotheists, so unhip to the modern mind).


If James Brown had been born into the British nobility and matriculated at Eaton, would he have later gone on to record the hit tune, "Father has acquired the latest-model scro--" A-hem. Never mind.


Thanks to Og, for catching my diresome spelling error. At least it wasn't Seth (who is that guy?) or Sekhmet! And I am pleased to be reminded of the rilly kewl thing about Thoth: he's a pen-and-ink kinda guy.


  1. Dunno what triggered the "hardest-workin' scribe in blog business" to riff on JB but it gave me an a.m. giggle...

  2. It's actually more like something from cheerleading: "He's the fun god, he' the sun god... Ra, Ra, Ra...."

  3. Could have been worse. You could have mistaken him for hatshepsut. You know, from the song?

    "Hatshepsut Rawson on the Rillerah and a brawla, brawla sooit"

  4. Horace heidt. The Hut Sut Song. I forget you're not old.

  5. Seen on a cheerleader/polytheist bumper sticker that make me giggle:

    "Isis Isis! Ra Ra Ra"

    I'm so easily amused.

    wv: hotho Either Hatshepsut's lesser-known brother or a really warm um gardening tool.


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