Friday, July 16, 2010

Not So New Math

Walt Kelly's Pogo is being reprinted, every last bit of it, in fine hardcover volumes; this is kewl. Better still (attention Donald Fagen fans), it starts off with a bang, lampooning the 18-month International Geophysical Year, "...[O]ne and a half birthdays a year. " " And one and a half Christmases." Sign me up! (Then there's a little insight into elections...).

PS: Attention Local Newspaper (for which I'd'a thunk up a new name but I gotta shower): You wanna do Big Socially Important Cartoons, you go study Walt Kelly, who did it by talkin' small, not bein' a jerk and delivering actual entertainment.


  1. "We have met the enemy and he is us."
    Awfully damned smart for "just a cartoon". Good stuff and good news.

  2. My late grandpa turned me on to Pogo as a yoot, and gave me a couple of the paperback collections a couple of decades ago.

  3. Glad to find out about this. My Simon & Schuster originals are starting to fall apart.

  4. Walla Walla Wash and Kalamazoo...

  5. Pfft. Got the originals.

    Well, Mom does. They were Dad's. I assume someday they'll be mine.


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