Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog Traffic

I had a lot of visitors, about twice as many as usual, the day Slinky the cat passed away. It was nice of people to visit but I would rather trade the traffic for her still being alive. 19 years is a long time.


  1. They do tug on your heartstrings in profound ways - especially when they are gone. Even though Tabitha sent* us Paddy(Runt)six days after she left us, we still miss the old girl every day.

    My condolences still...

    *I'm convinced she had a paw in him showing up at our back door.

  2. I know. I felt the same way when Dad passed away. I would have traded everything I had for one more day. It has been five years, and I still catch myself thinking things like, "I should call Dad and tell him about this. I bet he would like that."

    and then I remember that he is gone.

  3. My mother has been gone 18 years, and I still catch myself wanting to call her.

    Pets aren't people...except that they are.

  4. When it was time, I held my Airedale as the vet injected the dose. Diera was 14 ... very old by Airedale years ... but I never considered the "extra" years we had, I just wanted more.

    Still ... all that traffic showed how many of us you (and Slinky, of course) touched. We can't stand in for her ... and that saddens us, too.


  5. they get their claws into your heart don't they? Amazing that you can love them so much. They give us their whole lives. Every bit, and yet it is never enough. There is never enough time with those we love, furry or not. Always wishing for one more day...
    One more snuggle.

  6. :-(



    I'll pet my kitty extra hard in memory.


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