Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"Neither Blood nor Tears nor Gloom of Dreadful Night shall Slay these Couriers in the Swift Depletion of their Anointed Rounds."

I dunno why. It just seemed kewl. Interesting to build a fantasy around.


  1. Maybe Larry Correia would buy a license to use it? It seems a natural application, but I'd also be interested to see what you make of it.

  2. And if said annointed rounds are depleted uranium...?

  3. Dibs? Can I do that? It would tie in with so many little ideas I have right now ...

  4. And yet the Post Office will not deliver your mail anymore if a vehicle is "blocking" your mailbox: meaning they can't drive to it and pop your correspondence in the receptacle without un-arsing their backwards jeep.

  5. Mailmen have backwards Jeeps? I thought those long eared mules were standard issue, nowadays.

    Down here where it gets hot, the mail rider has to call the fire department three or four times a day to hose the old girls down.

    I had wondered why PO still used critters - but I thought they were conserving energy.


  6. Joanna: Yes, yes, you can do that. In fact, you must!

    ...I thought most of the backwards Mail Jeeps were retired for safety reasons?

  7. Hmm. next time I go to church I may ask the priest to anoint some of my rounds. He's a gun guy. Maybe I should wait until Saint Barbara's Day, she being the patroness of all things kaboomish.


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