Sunday, October 17, 2010

Multiple Choice Compulsion

Found at Technorati:Why solicit opinion when you can drive it?

That third option, by the way, is not a chance to express your thoughts; the choice is exactly as presented. But that, the most neutral available, was leading 55 to 45 percent.

Next quiz question, and this one counts towards your final score: Who was Emmanuel Goldstein?


  1. How about a multiple choice answer?

    The Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984?

    The one who worked with radioactives at Alamagordo?

    The correspondent for France Presse who was killed in Germany in 1933?

    A misspelling for the Emmanuel Goldsteen who owned the Tienda Azul (blue front store)?

    Those are the ones that come to mind, but I am sure there are more.


  2. Aww, you peeked! Hint: he seems to have something in common with Ms. Palin.


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