Wednesday, November 17, 2010

There Is A Book

Actually, there is a pair of books on my desk right now, but Tam's already claimed one.
I've already started proofreading (the lower book is open on a page rife with tense errors). Rannie the cat has her own opinion: not quite soft enough to nap on and not at all flavorful.

Nice as these are -- shiny covers and decent binding, SharedBook does a fine job -- they are spendy and a bit big for fiction. I am looking at a less-expensive option that produces a more paperback-sized book, with less blog-machinery in the way. And speaking of blogs, here's the one the book is from.


  1. OK, budgeted...

    And Rannie looks a lot like our Dear Departed Pretty Kitty.

  2. John Peddie (Toronto)November 18, 2010 at 6:15 AM


    I'm just wondering if she's still gonna talk to us, now that she's a Published Author 'n stuff.

  3. Um, it doesn't count if you pay for the printing yourself. This is just something I'm doing for fun.

  4. Ready to buy.

    Probably three copies. One for me, two for gifts.

    Say the word, milady.

  5. So far as I know, self-published authors can still join SFWA and win a Hugo.

    I know people who know people...

  6. For cost-effective printing, give a look. A 250-page trade paperback has a cost of about $8.


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