Saturday, December 04, 2010

Iron Sky Starts Shooting!

The long-awaited "Nazis on the Moon" film is now in principal photography -- and reveals a bit more about the characters. D. W. Drang has the lowdown.

(Of course I really like this -- though you know it's "hang a lantern on it" disinfortainment about the Hidden Frontier!)


  1. Kewl! Can't wait to see some space Nazi ass getting kicked. I especially love the portrayal of the female U.S. President when they come back to try to conquer us in 2018.

  2. She seems so...familiar.... Gosh, whoever could that character possibly be intended to suggest?

    It'll be interesting to see how they play it.

  3. For Nazis in space, I'd rather see someone do Rocket Ship Galileo, perhaps my favorite of the Heinlein juveniles.

    Either that or I Work On A Starship. :)


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