Monday, May 16, 2011

May BlogMeet!

Yes! It's aw-feeeesh-ull! --Cos there's, like, a poster an' stuff, see?You may be wondering where is the Brew Pub? Follow the link!

Free typo included -- ask for it by name.


  1. Hey, a typo means it's a collector's item. Imma snag me a dozen of those, wrap 'em in mylar, keep 'em in the attic for a rainy day ...

  2. May 22nd:

    1. It's my birthday.

    2. It's the day after the Rapture.

    I'll definitely be there!

  3. ...keep 'em in the attic for a rainy day

    But it's ALREADY raining, so NOW what am I supposed to do???

    Inquiring minds, and all that...

  4. Take 'em back out -- the attic might leak!

  5. It's raining now? What? OH SHOOT.

    I'm beginning to think Teh Rapturez (the common understanding of which is nowhere in the Bible, incidentally) is just a Jesus camp-friendly version of World War Z.

  6. Might make it, might not.

    Depends on how the last of my move goes.

    Down to two peices of furniture and the grill and smoker stuff.

  7. Won't be back in Indy until the 25th. Stopping off to see my folks before the LuckeyGunner Shoot that weekend.

    [Malcolm Reynolds voice]



    w/v: consic- How I feel about missing the Blogmet.


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