Friday, August 19, 2011

Fire Swamp, Sewage Treatment Plant

Pretty much the same thing -- especially when both are infested by rodents of unusual size. Yeah, real life ROUS. In California. And here I thought they were just small actors in funny suits!

Trivia: Tam swears that the capybara, a kind of giant aquatic rat, is offically fish for eating-on-Friday purposes. Um, giant rat? I'll just have the scrod, please.


  1. Yep. Used to be able to buy tinned capybara some places locally. tastes like pork.

  2. There are still places in this country where large dock rats (some of them are damn near as big as a cat) are referred to as "wharf bunnies", and are eaten.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Proper old-time Bostonian in New York City: "Pardon me, officer, do you know where I can get scrod?"

    NYC Cop: Buddy, I've been asked that before, but never in the past pluperfect.

  5. Chas,

    To the best of my knowledge, you are the only other person, bar my Ex, who knows that joke.

  6. I thought everyone knew it. Except I heard it was a taxi driver.

  7. Alas, troll must be removed -- otherwise more come.

  8. The nice New England Ladies in my church (Episcopal of course) told me that joke years ago. But only for educational purposes! NEVER for prurient purposes.


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