Saturday, September 17, 2011

Did You Mean...?

In response to hand-wringing Balloon Juice blather about criminal behavior with firearms, one "Linda Featheringill" writes:
...[T]he presence of guns just made it worse. Without the presence of guns, some of those folks would have been yelling at each other but would still be alive. It probably is next to impossible to get rid of them all.

It's certainly more difficult to get rid of them all without guns -- but without guns, you can darned well count on the stronger person doing the "getting rid," especially if they strike first. (Or was that not what you meant? Tsk, you might want to work on that "clarity" thing.)

Y'know what we call the person who strikes first, Linda? The aggressor. They're usually the bad guy. Why do you want the bad guy to win?

Or do you really, in your heart of hearts, just want to "get rid of them all," the attacker and the victim alike, swept neatly out of your nice, quiet life? After all, they're so noisy and messy....

Gack. 'Scuse me, I hafta go urp.


  1. Aw... if she really was concerned about public safety and truly believed behavior could be controlled by government intervention, she'd be all over "alcohol control."

    As it is, she just doesn't like guns and won't admit it.


  2. I read some of the other remarks, and that one quoted is one of the more sane comments there. How did you find that cesspool of idiots?

  3. This is the end result of mandatory seat-belt and helmet laws. The weak and stupid that would have been culled early in life are now breeding a better class of idiot.

  4. Bob, Balloon Juice has been a cesspool of stupidity for some years now.

  5. Hooboy. Had to stifle the gag reflex myself after reading that steaming load...


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