Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Hidden Camera

--Mine! Three nights ago -- or was it four? -- I grilled steak and taters and took a photo of a loaded plate. Set my camera aside to eat. Have not seen it since.

I'm startin' to suspect I ate it.


  1. Oh, it will show up! I have the same problem around here. Not only cameras, but just about anything else except coffee. Oh and the cars. Been a long time since I lost a car.

  2. I've got a buck that says Huck has it.


  3. Look on the grill.

    No, but I melted a plastic-handled spatula one fine day ...

  4. It's there, just to the left. No, you other left.....Just a little farther....

  5. It will be in the last place you look.

  6. You've swallowed the patty pan!

    (If you get the reference, you're my friend.)


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