Sunday, December 04, 2011

3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate: Things You Wish Weren't Real

What izzit? It's "BZ." It's been used on soldiers.

It sounds like the very wildest sort of tinfoil-hattery (that's where I saw mention) but it doesn't exactly debunk. E.g.:
The patient is often disoriented to time and place. Disturbances in judgment and insight appear. The patient may abandon socially imposed restraints and resort to vulgar and inappropriate behavior. Perceptual clues may no longer be readily interpretable, and the patient is easily distracted and may have memory loss, most notably short-term memory. In the face of these deficits, the patient still tries to make sense of his environment and will not hesitate to make up answers on the spot to questions that confuse him.
But there's good, good news: it apparently doesn't send the affected into a berserk rage. Naw, merely, "...behavioral lability, with patients swinging back and forth between quiet confusion and self-absorption in hallucinations, to frank combativeness." Oh, that's fine, then.

Based on the described effects, I suspect Hollywood is saturated with it -- and perhaps Washington, DC, too.


  1. In other words, Saturday night at the 332 Club in Taft, CA.

    Mike James

  2. Obviously, this is what caused OWS.

  3. The proposed use was on command and control centers to incapacitate the folks at the top and create confusion on the battlefield.

    The USA looked at using LSD for the same role and found that it, like BZ, was too unpredictable on human subjects.

    There was a lot of speculation at the time that the Russians used their version of BZ during the Dobrovka hostage crisis.


  4. Agree with Gerry, and it probably HAS been used...

  5. BZ and Hollywack involve a common factor: faulty internal modeling of the external world. If the map and the ground are only vaguely related, it's going to be a long, strange trip.

  6. "...its recreational use is almost nonexistent..."

    Almost nonexistent? That's comforting I suppose.

    I wonder who makes more money: the people who cook up drugs for the recreational trade, or the folks who cook them up for military use.

  7. There is probably on the internets somewhere a video/film named something like "The Marching Morons" that covers testing done on troops at Fort dietrich or Dugway PG back in the late 50s or early 60s - Mike


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