Thursday, December 08, 2011

I Think My Mom Writes Signs For The Street Department

Oh, yeah:"Don't start!" That's Mom, all right. Okay, I'll only cross when the light says okay -- and I'll clean my room, too, honest. And I won't wear cheap green eyeshadow, either.


  1. Expensive green eye shadow is much better. :)

  2. Skirt below the knees and white gloves for Easter!

  3. If my mother had written that sign, the second panel woupld have said "Hurry up, you're going to get run over!"

  4. And only $23,000 of TARP money was spent per sign, also.

  5. "Finish crossing if started..." I'd been wondering about that.

  6. That's funny. My mother used to say "Here's a razor blade. Go play in traffic".

  7. Brain J: "better late than never" is my new motto.... ;)

  8. Mom's clippings next to the phone read:
    They're the 10 Commandments NOT the 10 Suggestions.
    Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.

    Any yes, I still get a clean hankie out of the drawer every day (or 3) and dbl. check my zipper before leaving the house.
    Thanks Mom!

  9. When I got a job in Texas, the only advice my mother gave me was a laughing, "Don't walk in front of any pickup trucks."

    Remembering this has saved my life any number of times since I moved here.

    Thanks, Mom!


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