Friday, September 28, 2012


I was looking up some semi-historical test equipment (the h/p 334 distortion analyzer, copied but never bettered, IMO) and stumbled over testgear maven Kenneth Kuhn's collection of writings against socialism.  The timing seemed particularly apt.


  1. Donations at the point of a gun is theft, whether the gun is held by an individual or a government. Furthermore the benefactors of such donations rapidly learn to feel entitled while those forced into donating, become disgruntled.

    What a way to run a country!!!!

  2. #panamared
    "What a way to run a country!!!!"

    And unfortunately, wildly successful up to this point. "We have met the enemy and he is us"

  3. Is the title of the post a typo, or a pun...?

  4. A typo! But I may leave it.


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