Friday, October 26, 2012

Bloggiversary: Missed!

This blog turned five (5) back on 7 October!  It does not seem that long ago.


  1. John Peddie (Toronto)October 26, 2012 at 6:20 AM

    Let me be the first to congratulate-Happy B'day. Observation and whimsy in a neat portable package.

    Part of my morning routine, every day.


  2. Indeed. Only five? It seems as though twowheeledmadwoman has always been a part of my world.

    Kudos on the longevity.


  3. Congratulations on your bloggiversary. It's been fun reading your musings, and pondering imponderables.

    The horrific puns, well, that's another matter.

    And here's hoping there's many a posting to come!

  4. Annnd late to the belated bloggiverary... Story of my life. Congratulations anyway.

    Part of my morning routine, to see what you and Tam and the cats are up to.

    Any cake left?

  5. I'll second the "only been five"? My does the time fly.

    Kudos and happy, if belated, blogversary.

  6. Congrats Roberta! And looking forward to 5, 10, 15 more! :-)


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