Saturday, October 27, 2012

October BloooooooogMeet!

Ghosties an' gobblins an' things that do The Bump! Or other long-vanished dance crazes, they're all verrry scarrrry....


  1. Very Cool! What happens if too many people show up??

  2. Count me in.

    I've got some merch from Linoge to show off.

  3. Karl: why, we fill up our plates and move to another venue; there are five on that streetcorner alone.

    Of course, *everyone* has to promise to Play Nice. Or else.

  4. But of course.

    I might have some fresh vid from my handgonne too.

  5. Dang it! I cannot get there this weekend! I am also now coming into the "summer tire" problem on the new ride. Maybe next Spring?!

  6. Wish I could come.

    Is there a November or December blogmeet planned? Maybe I can set aside a weekend if I plan far enough ahead.

  7. Haven't planned one for either month, pending my family setting dates for the large gatherings, but perhaps something could be worked out!

    Warning: I am much duller in person.

  8. And once more, I won't be able to attend. Indy would be a closer drive if Illinois would go away. ;)

  9. Oh, like a howling radioactive waste would make for a shorter drive?

    "Great news, kids, the winds are blowing towards Chicago! We can take I-74 all the way!

  10. Though when the winds get favorable that's when the slow muties start shambling about.

    Better make sure you'll make it across before Sunset.


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