Friday, January 11, 2013


     Despite fonky sets, insane costumes, purple hair and plot holes, I'm finding UFO at least as much fun now as when I watched it in reruns as a child. The willingness of the Andersons to let the plot take some very dark turns make it unlike most televised SF (Star Trek and the count-on-it 15-minute Happy Ending spring to mind) and compensate for the somewhat greater degree of pulpiness.  (You can find most episodes on YouTube.)

     In a wider sense ;), consider that both UFO and the earlier The Invaders are obviously disinformation, black propaganda tending to discredit any leaks about the Hidden Frontier as detailed in my writings at I Work On A Starship.  C'mon, look at the obvious parallels: bell-shaped "flying saucers" landing onesie-twosie in isolated locations, humanoid-looking aliens (or humans taken over by aliens), opposed by a lone man everyone thinks is nuts (The Invaders) or a covert organization (UFO, obviously a reference to the USSF-NATO alliance then waging a war of feint and standoff with the Edgers' "Federation of Concerned Spacemen").  UFO in particular all but hangs a lantern on it by hiding SHADO HQ under a film studio!  Anyone trying to reveal the real facts after those shows had been on the air would have been laughed at.


  1. I've always loved that series. Have the DVD set and the theme is a secondary ringtone on my phone. (the primary is Tank! from Cowboy Beebop.) Yes, I am that dorky.

  2. Hey wait a minute! I loved the UFO series and it died for a lot of reasons IMHO. My take on it is here.

  3. UFO was a hidden pleasure back then...
    what else would have some making time for a show on 4:30pm Sunday afternoons?

    I was hoping for some online episodes, but only turned up DVD sales... I just might have to splurge...

  4. I remember drawing UFO-inspired art in class when I was attending Catholic school. Good times.

  5. Mini skirts and fishnet clothing: The perfect series for a boy entering puberty back then.

  6. You know the men are wearin' fishnet tops, too -- and they're a fit & handsome bunch.


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