Monday, May 27, 2013

Overheard In The Kitchen

     While cooking Swedish Pancakes* (because Swedish Pancakes!):

Thing 1: "Y'know, they write about Bathsheba; they write about Beersheba.  But nobody ever writes about Beerbathsheba, who had way more fun."

Thing 2: "Or her cousin Champagne-Shower Sheba, who had even more fun!"

     Ah, Roseholme Cottage, built in 1924 and still alive with the memory of flappers....
* Simplest recipe in the world: a cuppa flour, a cuppa milk, a coupl'a eggs.  Or three.  Pile high and serve with butter and sugar or good jam between each layer, or syrup.  Whatever.


  1. And all I heard was Swedish Chef singing. Because Swedish Chef.

  2. add a pinch of salt and some brown sugar to make 'em perfect

  3. Everybody always loses track of BeerBathSheba due to the attention paid to the whole BeerBathSheba And Beyond storyline. With all the tertiary lewd allusions and the vague homages to Python and Benny Hill you can see why. Excruciating titillation at it's lowest.

    Even the w/v agrees: yvelot manner

  4. What? No baking powder? Or is snark all the lift you need?


  5. Back in my day, it was Bathsheba and her three sisters, Bertha, Bella, and Betty.

  6. Borepatch: they're like crepes; they don;t rise. You should try 'em!


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