Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Jersey: What Happens When Only Police Have Guns

     Why, they shoot people, of course.   Out of state, over trivialities.

     From Turk Turon.  This story's about a month old -- but the information and outrage is long-lasting.  New Jersey: now exporting the fail.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I'd like to hang some crap like this on a NJ Police Officer, there's not really enough info in the linked article. If there wasn't a collision of some sort (and the article doesn't say) why the hell did the soon-to-be-dead-guy pull over and get out of his car in the first place?

    I might shoot someone getting out of their car and approaching me "in a [reportedly] aggressive manner" as well, if I was in fear for my life.

    I think it's pretty well known I'm not exactly the world's biggest police apologist. ;) But I don't really think there's enough information given on "good or bad shoot".


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