Saturday, September 07, 2013

If You're Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands. Also, Please Help Bomb A Third World Country.

     Or else.  Hater. 

     It's mean, nasty, racist hateful people like you who are why we can't bomb Syria and show 'em why it is soooo wrong to gas people.  When you could just blow them up.  (But only officially!  Or for a cause popular among the coastal elites, which is the same thing really.)


  1. I've been completely bemused for a week as to why the same folks who thought that our incursions into countries who bombed and gassed their own people when an (R) was in charge was a Bad Thing now think it's a Perfectly Wonderful Idea when a (D) is in charge.

    Then I figured it out. Because hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

  2. Although for different reasons, I am appalled to be on the same side of an issue as Alan Grayson. It must be a sign of something snarky, I just don't know what.

  3. I supported bombing Germany and nuking Japan. Obviously, I'm a racist hypocrite.

  4. Sure! I'm not supporting Obama's stellar war effort!


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