Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey. Day.

     I spent about four hours in the kitchen, though twenty minutes of it was making coffee and enjoying a cuppa' and a bowl of cereal.

     The remainder?  Turducken with mushrooms, "popcorn" asparagus, green salad, mashed skin-on russet potatoes and bacon/onion/Surry sausage gravy.  Plus a nice glass of mead.
Artsy version [TAMFOTO]
     Photo may has followed.

A clearer view [TAMFOTO]
     It was dee-lish.  Adding a chopped-up Surry sausage to the gravy pan (and as a source of some of the hot fat) was an interesting addition.  I put a package of mushrooms around the turducken for the last half-hour, and kept it basted with butter for the last forty-five minutes or so.

     Dessert?  Who has room?  Tam and I watched a couple of Season 2 Venture Brothers episodes, laughed like madwomen, and we'll both be napping soon, possibly accompanied by one cat each.  If I stake out the window seat (where sunlight is streaming in), I may get both cats all to myself.

     As ever, Farmmom gets credit for any success I have with gravy: I'm just following her advice.


  1. I am jealous! And working...

  2. Farmmom knows her stuff. I use the same method, and if I can do it any other great ape can. (Although today, with a puddle of bird broth in the roaster, I used that instead of milk for the liquid.)

    Whose mead did you have? Commercial or homebrew?

  3. It was some mead she got for her birfday from Brigid, who picked it up from here:

  4. Making the gravy isn't hard after you get it figured out. Maybe someday I can convince Roberta to come out with Tam and have a day or two playing with guns and food! :D

  5. Farmmom, I get really nervous away from home. But thank you for the offer!

  6. I shall be forwarding my cardiologist's bill.


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