Thursday, January 23, 2014

Doctor (Doctor!) Mr. M. D.--

   Can you tell me/What's ailing me?

     So, we went to what now calls itself "Urgent Care," but is still the same doc-inna-box, where strugglin' young doctors (and a few older ones) work in volume and pass the savings on to you.  If anybody knows what kind of ickinesses and sicknesses are moving up the Top-40 Aliments charts right now, it's them.

     Old lyrics and overextended metaphors aside, it's "Dx: Vertigo," for me and I've been issued some anti-tumbling pills, a fistful of Amoxicillin for luck and a gentle suggestion that the Tincture of Time be left to do its work; so either I'm irretrievably doomed or it's nothing much and, absent any compelling evidence for the first, I'll go with the second.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Don't let roomie mess with your head =)

  2. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon, and that you don't have too many people trying to "help" diagnose and treat you through the 'Tubes this time. :)

  3. Don't become a zombie. It'd be inconvenient all around. At least wait until after the convention.

  4. You have a decent handle on the situation. I would suggest better outcomes on a regular doc over pickup docs at the ECC.

    Hope you are better soon.

  5. You have a decent handle on the situation. I would suggest better outcomes on a regular doc over pickup docs at the ECC.

    Hope you are better soon.

  6. I'm guessing tower climbing is contra-indicated...

  7. Drang, I rarely climb; never more than 40 pr 45 feet. We hire arcane specialists for the high work.

    Paul, 'Strewth, though for the more-common herd illnesses, I think the Urgent Care gang sees more of it and may have a better feel for trends. In-depth it ain't, but neither are most flu/cold/whatevers that go around.

  8. Hope you get well!
    I have been spinning since the 26th of December. Labyrinthitis is what they say I have. Housebound now a month. Hope you get over your quickly



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