Monday, May 19, 2014

Return Of The AK-15?

     I'm a year and two months late in noticing, but notorious plagiarist-artist Shepard Fairey has managed to resurrect the AR-47:

     Yep, there it is.  Given his history, I don't feel bad about showing an excerpt -- "Fair Use" an' all that -- but if you must see the original, get over to HuffPo, and don't say I didn't warn you; the usual dunderheaded pap is being ladled out.


  1. I have a young friend who gets all of her news from the HuffPo. I fear for her.

  2. Actually, looking closer at the picture, that's an MGI QCB upper...

    He may have found a picture of a Hydra someplace by doing a Google image search on "AR47".

  3. Yes, Tam beat me to it put that's from a Hydra catalogue pic.

    Shootin' Buddy


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