Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Independant Publishing: 3 Out Of 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Prefer....

     Who knew I was a threat to the established order?  A rebel, a radical, and a hapless tool of reactionary forces?  (You thought I was going to say The Patriarchy, didn't you?  Probably them, too, and Rand Paul besides.)

     Because, you see, I have self-published!  The horror of it!

     ...Wait, what?  A decentralized, disintermediating movement, a bypassing of gatekeepers, that's a bad thing?  That's a regressive thing? Quick, someone warn Tom Standage!

     It is a Very Bad Thing, according to some ghit at the Guardian, to whom I shall not link; Dave Freer (a self-published SF writer; likely has got horns and a tail as well) has fisked it, with links.  Go!  Enjoy!


  1. Of course bypassing gatekeepers is bad. That's why Tesla can't sell cars in Jersey without network of dealerships. /sarc

    When a middle-man finds himself no longer in the value stream, he has outlived his usefulness.

  2. Should've said "without a network..."

  3. I was just laughing it off aqs the usual to this point.

    "...who produce for a wide range of tastes and preferences..."

    Unless you're libertarian, conservative, don't like Star Drek, got tired of Star Wars, aren't convinced socialism is the asnswer to everything, are a AGW skeptic, have (and apply!) actual scientific/egineering ed&training...

    My self-published books are moving slowly this month; only a bit over 1100 downloads*,so I'm only a minor reactionary demon, I guess.

    * If only I could get people to hit the tip jar for those downloads. At this point, I'd be happy with a dime per.

  4. fisked it - heh, wasn't Fisk a Grauniad (UK Spelling, pronounced Groaniad) columnist?

  5. I've met you.

    Subversive type if I ever saw one.

    It takes one to know one.

  6. You, you, you, anarchist, you!

  7. Yeah, that Internet thing--just messing it all up for The Powers That Be. Thank God.

  8. We self-published my mom's two books, and my Great Uncle self-published his two. Nobody else would do it and they weren't going to publish themselves, so some intervention was necessary!


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