Monday, July 28, 2014

Someone's Headed For A Hot Time In HR

     Oh, the insensitivity:
     Also, wrong abbreviation.

     (FWIW, these are delicious cookies. Among the best I have ever eaten. Tam -- no fan of sweets -- had a taste and soon after requested an entire cookie.)


  1. Careful -- pretty soon Tam might ask for another one!

  2. She's been grazing on them ever since and is planning to replenish the supply. The darned things are *not* cheap, so that's quite a gesture.

  3. LOL, I'm betting they ARE good! :-)

  4. Kosher for Passover?


  5. I've found the ones with sprinkles are quite addictive.

    (They also have a spot of nostalgia reminding me of cookies I got at this Italian bakery growing up in NJ)

  6. It could have been worse.
    Imagine if they had abbreviated wedding party instead of wedding?


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