Monday, September 08, 2014

One Dozen Eggs: Bonus (Part 2)

     The full Roseholme breakfast:
     Steak (best pan steak ever!), egg, mushrooms, a large cherry tomato divided in twain and briefly roasted on basil one (1) slice of bacon as garnish.

     The steak was cooked in the same pan as the bacon, once it was out of the way: the cheapest filet Fresh Market sells, cut into two 5/8" steaks and treated with a god good spice rub plus a little of the seasoning from their smoked mixed nuts (there's always way extra in the container and I sift it out so it doesn't get overpowering).  Remarkably tasty.


  1. Mmmmmm.....

    And excellent call on using the rendered bacon to sear the steak. Part of my regular mise is a small pan of rendered bacon fat. It's amazing the way just a smidge improves flavors.


  2. It's just no darned fair of you to be posting that stuff. I come in to work first thing in the morning and while my PC is running its back-up (which pretty much renders it useless for actually working on) you've put up photos of delicious food. I've had my usual cold cereal, juice and coffee, and you're showing me steak-and-eggs!

    Off-Topic: How did the new bookshelves turn out? I saw the post with them in-progress, but if you put one up of them completed I must have missed it. I'd love to see the radio stuff on the special-tall one you built for it.

  3. After you put the god spice on it, can you see the future/fold space? ;-)

  4. Ken, I can. I can. (That's why I wear shades.)

    Blackwing1: not done. I was giving it time to dry a little -- it was beastly humid and the boards were stored in the garage, and I have been fiddling around, shimming it so it's close enough to put in the Kreg screws that will tie it and the fist set of shelves together. Soon, I hope, though I am kind of wanting to buy a car tomorrow.


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