Tuesday, December 09, 2014

I'm Back! Problem Fixed!

     Sitemeter went rogue, bought up by some kind of adware outfit; they were doing redirects, if you didn't have pop-up blockers, and were especially exploiting Explorer vulnerabilities.  So they're gone now.  So long, Sitemeter, it was good while it lasted, and then it wasn't.

     I fixed my other two blogs, too.

     Later: For the record, I pulled the plug on the stats service at 1,251,010 visits and 1,808,077 page views.


  1. Sitemeter's been screwy for a couple years now. Been using Statcounter myself, so far no issues!

  2. I ran into a similar problem yesterday. If I opened a comment, it sent me to vindiciosuite.com or something like that.

    How did you track it down to Sitemeter?

  3. Sitemeter hasn't worked for me for a few years now. Just plain stopped tracking visits, and now the code won;t even embed properly. Thought maybe there was an incompatibility with my layout, template, maybe one of the dingi I have... maybe I just don;t get enough traffic for it to care.

  4. John: first, it was practically the only thing in common on Tam's blogs and mine, yet we both had the problem. A quick check of the Google hive mind confirmed it, with some bloggers reporting the problem as early as this past summer.

  5. I loaded Statcounter. It seems pretty usable.


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