Monday, December 22, 2014

My Job Description Says "Tech."

     In fact, it says "Engineering Technician."  It does not say "Witch."  When you call me with a minor problem in something I'm not all that familiar with, five minutes before it absolutely, positively needs to be running -- and it's able to do so as-is -- it's probably not going to be changed to suit your desires. 

     Maybe next time, you'll check it well ahead of need?  Probably not.

     The list of co-workers I'd willingly go mountain-climbing with keeps getting shorter.  "Oh, damn, all these carabiners are no good.  And wow, that rope sure is frayed...."  Harrumph.


  1. I used to love it when they tried to solve the problem all day on their own, and then at about 3 PM they decided that they might need some help. So I ended up working late because they didn't want to bother me at 10 AM.

  2. And I used to correct people...
    "That's 'witch' with a capital 'B'"

  3. You rush your miracle woman, you get lousy miracles.

  4. I will go hunting, whitewater rafting or mountain climbing with ANYBODY. However, I don't guarantee that they will all come back.

  5. Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

    Are my eyes getting a lot worse, or are these captchas getting harder?

  6. I love when people ask me "How do I do xyz in program abc?"

    Hey, when needed I install it or find out what your error message means. I do NOT know how to build complicated equations in MS Excel just because I work on computers.

    When I was an Exchange Admin I loved getting "Joe in Montana said he sent me an email. Why didn't I get it?" hahahahahaha

    Let me dive in to the Internets and see where it's hung up.

  7. I feel your pain. I'm on vacation. I actually got an email today that said, "I need your help. Are you alive?"
    And I'm not an engineer; I work in accounting. Seriously folks, those beans will wait to be counted.

  8. My job description is "Calibration Technician" (I could use "Metrologist", but I think it'd be a little pretentious, and besides, people want to ask one what the weather is going to do).
    I have to agree; a lot of customers seem to think that translates as "Wizzard".
    Yes, that was intentional. If I could use magic, I'd probably be more of a wizzard. I know me.
    --Tennessee Budd

  9. We've all got a touch of "wizzard."

  10. But... I always saw you as a bit Granny Weatherwaxy. Don't shatter my illusions.

  11. Read more closely -- I may indeed be almost as much of a practicioner as Granny, at least on my good days; but even she generally refrains from attempting the impossible. :)

  12. Frequently, it is necessary to turn in circuit boards for a replacement. I am invariably asked, "What's wrong with it?" I must reply that everything I know about it is written on the red tag.
    Mind you, most of these are about the size of a commemorative postage stamp, with a brass cover soldered on top.
    Alas, I am still not Carnac the Magnificent. "C2 has a solder bridge to R5." Slaps board to forehead.

  13. Not a wizard, you are a Cybernetic Necromancer - She who brings electronics back from the dead!


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